About Us


Thinking ahead, acting now


Our objective is to enable marketing specialists to enhance their practices using tools specifically built to fill in the gaps in today’s marketing platforms. With Ensight Analytica (EA) we bring you the next level of marketing. Kuwait is a melting pot of multiple cultures, interests and behaviors, reaching the right audiences with the right message depends on two key factors: listening to feedback and influencing behavior. EA is devoted to uniquely deliver the right audiences to increase the efficiency of marketing campaigns, as well as to listen to the trends, services and products available in the ever-growing cloud of online voices on social media and beyond.


Our mission is to offer data-driven, real-time, premium solutions based on your own unique industry requirements and goals. We aim to improve campaign efficiency, targeting, increase conversions, and decrease the overall budget. Along with, improving SLA compliances, brand health, knowledge of market demands plus their general sentiment, as well as receiving crisis aversion alerts.

Call us today at +965 91108051 or Email us at info@ensightanalytica.com

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